Knowledge Base Downloads
These downloads are files for various items in knowledge base articles. The downloads aren't necessarily supported unless you have a support contract. Sam Moffatt Consulting issues no warranty on the quality or safety of these files and you use them at your own risk.
# Documents Downloads Size MB Created Modified
1 Author ID Notes
This document contains notes about the Author ID project at USQ. The document has background information, technical notes about what has been added, a user guide and a developer guide for the system.
10884 0.582694 28.08.2009 28.08.2009
2 Copy As DB Unit
This is a bundle for Sequel Pro that exports a series of rows in DB Unit format compatible with PHPUnit. This means that creating test data can be easy when you have existing data.

To use this bundle install it using Sequel Pro, select your rows, right click and select "Bundles" then "Copy" and "Copy as DB Unit". The generated data will be put on your clipboard and you can paste it into your favourite application.
3306 0.001609 25.11.2011 25.11.2011
3 Create admin2 User
This script creates a new user in your Joomla! 1.5 instance called 'admin2'. The password for this account is "secret". Once you have run the SQL file you can login with the username "admin2" and the password "secret".


Sam Moffatt Consulting issues no warranty on the quality or safety of these files and you use them at your own risk.
4166 0.000562 07.06.2009 07.06.2009
4 Depositor Reassignment Notes
This document contains notes on implementing depositor reassignment within ePrints including a users guide, design evolution and developers guide. Depositor reassignment is a feature that permits the user to specify a different user and then have the item change the value of the depositor from that user to another user.
5857 0.317349 09.10.2009 09.10.2009
5 Reset 1.5 ACL Tables
This script resets the 1.5 ACL tables back to their normal form. All users will be deleted from the system and you will have to create new users or import them. This is useful if you have erroneously dropped your ACL tables and replaced them with the incompatible 1.0 equivalents.

Sam Moffatt Consulting issues no warranty on the quality or safety of these files and you use them at your own risk.
4859 0.004713 07.06.2009 07.06.2009