LDAP Tools/OpenLDAP HowTo/Mac OS X

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Note: This article is incomplete, and is perhaps still being written. Check back later for more information.

Mac OS X itself provides its own propertietary directory service which I believe is based on OpenLDAP. For the purposes of this I'm going to assume you don't have access to this, so you're going to need your own server.

Luckily that isn't much of an issues. The Fink project provides a port of the OpenLDAP software which, through the FinkCommander application, is rather trivial to install. You will need to have Fink installed but this is not too hard.

Using FinkCommander install the following:





This should get you up and running with slapd on your Mac. I originally attempted a non SSL install but have since switched to SSL after reading the below listed blog: Setting up slapd on Mac OS X